Jade Plant: A Perfect Houseplant for Beginners

Jade Plant: A Perfect Houseplant for Beginners

There are several reasons why we want to keep plants in our homes. However, jade plants are famous to purify the air, being around this plant can help reduce stress and it even offers aesthetic appeal. However, this plant is also known as Crassula Ovata. The plant is famous for its thick and fleshy leaves which looks same as green coins or teardrops. This plant belongs to succulent family and it mainly stores the water in their leaves. This helps them to survive in dry conditions. These plants are native of South Africa and attracts plant lovers for their beauty and low maintenance. Not only this, but there are many of the health benefits of keeping a plant in your home. So, if you are also searching for a suitable and aesthetic plant for your home then jade money plant can be a best option. With this this post, we are going to discuss about the different types, how to grow and care for them.

Types of Jade plants

There are different types of these plants and they have unique characteristics. Here are some of the popular types:

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1.Crassula Ovata

This type of Jade is also known as Classic Jade Plant. This is one of the most common type, thick and oval-shaped leaves. However, this tree also have tree appearance. Not only this but this plant can grow quite tall and develop a sturdy trunk over time.

2.Crassula Ovata Hobbit

The other type of Jade is known as Crassula Ovata Hobbit. This is the type of Jade which has tabular, finger-like leaves those curls inward. The plant’s character has got name from J.R.R. Tolkien's “The Hobbit”.

3.Crassula Ovata 'Gollum'

This is the other type of Jade which is somehow similar Hobbit variety. It has elongated Gollum which has tabular leaves that are more detailed with green coral.

4.Crassula Ovata 'Tricolor'

Next type of Jade is Crassula Ovata 'Tricolor'. This plant has three colurs which are green, white and pink. It is a striking plant that adds a splash of colours in your collection.

5.Crassula Ovata 'Variegata'

This plant has leaves having mixed colour which are green- and cream-coloured stripes. This plant is also famous for its attractive appearance.

Jade money plant are known as a great option for their beauty, low maintenance and plenty of benefits. They have the tendency to improve air quality, reduce stress and add a touch of nature to your home. You have plenty of plants option, you just have to choose the one that suits your style and space.

How to grow Jade plants?

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It is really easy and simple to grow this plant. Here are some of the steps that would help you to grow healthy and smiling plants.

1.Choose right soil and pot

When you want to have a healthy and smiling plant in your space, it is important that you choose right pot  and soil. Make sure to purchase the pot and planters that has a drainage hole which reduces overwatering. You can choose to get a ceramic or a terracotta planter as they are made with clay and add natural look to your space. Overwatering is a problem that leads to root rot. When the excess water is drained your plants get adequate amount of water. Also, choose well-draining soil such as cactus or succulent mix. You also have the option to mix regular potting soil with sand or perlite.

2.Planting the Jade plant

When you have a cutting of the plant then make sure that it gets dried for a few days. Once it is dried then you can move ahead to plant it. This would help to avoid root rot. Now place the cutting or young plant in the soil but make sure that the roots are covered. Now gently press the soil around the plant.

Now that you have planted a jade plant, it is important to known about jade plant care process. With our next section, we are going to provide the necessary information.

How to care for Jade Plants?

Jade plant is such a nice and aesthetic plant. it is important to maintain the beauty that it adds up to your space. This is why it is important to look at some of the caring for an jade plant process.

1.Jade plants are big fan of bright light. So, it is important to place them in a setting where they can get plenty of sunlight. Place them in a place where they receive proper sunlight but not direct or too much of sunlight as this can burn their leaves.

2.You have to water the plant when you see the top inch of the soil get dried. You can stick your finger to check the soil. Make sure to reduce the water frequency in winter season.

3.The perfect or suitable temperature for these plants is between 18°C to 24°C (65°F to 75°F). They can survive cool temperature at night but not freezing.

4.During the growing season such as spring and summer, you have to feed them with balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.

5.In order to keep your plant healthy, make sure to remove the dead or yellowing leaves.

It is really easy and rewarding to growing jade plant and caring for them. By following above process, you can ensure the health and aesthetics that they offers to your home. Apart from that, there are plenty of benefits of growing a Jade plant in your house.


1.What is the best way to grow a jade plant?

In order to grow healthy jade plant, it is important that you place them in a setting where they receive right amount of sunlight, frequent water. Also you have to water them again when they soil becomes dry.  Make sure to fertilize them between growing seasons.

2.Where is the best place to put a jade plant?

Search for a place in your space where the plant gets indirect sunlight or an east or west facing window. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight, low light areas and drafts.

3. Does jade plant need direct sunlight?

No, infact their leaves can be burnt. This is why it is important to place them in a area where they receive indirect sunlight.

4.Does jade plant attract money?

according to Feng Shui, jade money plants are believed to attract prosperity and wealth. People believe this as they have coin shaped leaves.

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